Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cherries and Strawberries

Here;s some quick sketch ideas for my next class project, where we have to make characters to promote certain food festivals, he gave us a list with lots and lots of festivals and we could choose any 2 to do, I went for the cherry festival and a Lebanese Strawberry festival :D

Monday, September 26, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Entertainment Diversity Career Conference

Some sketches I did while at the Entertainment Diversity Career Conference that CSUF's career center put on yesterday... It was pretty kewl i learned some stuff atleast, however they were, sadly, not taking any resumes or anything for artistic positions... Tho the Dreamworks guy, Peter Campbell, did give some tips on writing resumes for those positions so I guess thats ok... time to spruce up my resume! :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

PMC Speakers 9-15-11

PMC Speakers: Tomas Jechs and Jacob Gardner gave an AWESOME presentation on Thursday night! Here are a few lil sketches of them :)

Cafe Sketching 9-18-11

A bunch of sketches from Sunday night's Cafe Sketching! :D

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Don Lagerberg's Class

I know this happened quite sometime ago, but i finally got around to scanning it lolz..

Based on a true story of critique om finals day in Don's Life Studies class last fall...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Digi Illustration poster

Project 1 for my Digital Illustration class: make a poster for the class! heh in the style off '60s psychedelic rock posters! Heres mine, based around a lava lamp theme :D

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

ART 367

Had to do 2 pages to a script our teacher gave us with Little Red Riding Hood. Heres my Finished pages :D

Little Red

Inks for a little red riding hood script my teacher gave us for ART 367. He gave us the script and told us it needed to be done in 2 pages, and then we had free rein from there, so this is how mine came out :)
Ill post the finished next!

Salior Comic Page

Working on an abstract comic-y thing for Christians class... Can't decide if i like it better outlined or not...
Done in umm everything... xP
printed tiny comic pages and collaged them, then scanned back into photoshop (to line images up since my scanner is only 8.5x11 and i was working 11x17 xP)
Then outlined Serena in Illustrator and finished it there... woot computers are hard but i made it work!
(Im just now taking a digital class so sorry if im not as up to date on computery stuff heh)
so yeah... :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

PMC Life Drawing 9-7-11

Heres some drawings from PMC Life Drawing session last night! Sorry for the poor scans, i dont really have time to clean them up, im already procrasting on my homework enough lolz :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Random Pics

Having trouble loading a file, so heres some other random piccies, mostly from cartooning and cariciture last semester! Lets see if they load yay! xP